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The Buffum Four Cylinder Stanhope 1895 is a remarkable automobile that was quite ahead of its time in terms of its technical features. Built by the US-based Buffum Motor Car Company, this vehicle was designed to offer unparalleled performance and convenience to its users.
At the heart of this vehicle lies a state-of-the-art four-cylinder engine that generates a power output of 20 horsepower. This engine is coupled with a 3-speed manual transmission system that provides seamless gearshifts for better acceleration and robust performance. Additionally, the vehicle features a four-wheel braking system that ensures a safe and controlled stoppage, even in challenging conditions.
The Buffum Four Cylinder Stanhope 1895 is also known for its impeccable construction and high-quality materials that ensure longevity and durability. The frame of the vehicle is made of high-grade steel, while the wheels are crafted from hand-sewn leather. The hood and fenders are made of polished aluminum, further underscoring the premium quality of this vehicle.
Furthermore, the Buffum Four Cylinder Stanhope 1895 is equipped with various innovative features that make it stand out in its class. For instance, it features a steering wheel that can be adjusted to suit the driving position of the operator, improving the overall driving experience. The vehicle also features an electric starter system that eliminates the need for cranking the engine manually.
In terms of its design, the Buffum Four Cylinder Stanhope 1895 is a beautiful vehicle that combines both functionality and aesthetics. Its exterior design is sleek and aerodynamic, with smooth lines and curved edges that enhance its visual appeal. The interior of the vehicle is equally impressive, with comfortable leather seats that offer maximum comfort to the driver and passengers.
Overall, the Buffum Four Cylinder Stanhope 1895 is a timeless vehicle that is still appreciated by enthusiasts and collectors alike. Its technical features, impeccable construction, and beautiful design all come together to create a truly exceptional automobile that will continue to stand the test of time.
- The Buffum Company is founded in Lynn, Massachusetts in 1890. - The Buffum Four Cylinder Stanhope is introduced in 1895, featuring a four-cylinder engine and a lightweight stanhope body. - The car is one of the earliest American-built cars to feature a four-cylinder engine. - The Buffum Four Cylinder Stanhope is known for its advanced engineering, including a forced lubrication system and a patented camshaft design. - The car is marketed as a luxury vehicle, with a selling price of around $5,000. - Despite its advanced design, the Buffum Four Cylinder Stanhope is not a commercial success, with only a handful being produced before the company goes bankrupt in 1901.Technical
- Produced by the H.H. Buffum company in Abington, Massachusetts - First introduced in 1895 - Utilizes a four-cylinder water-cooled engine - Engine has a displacement of 2.2 liters - Capable of producing up to 10 horsepower - Equipped with a two-speed planetary transmission - Has a chain drive system - Features rear-wheel mechanical drum brakes - Utilizes a solid front axle and leaf springs for suspension - Can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour - Primarily constructed with wood and leather materials - Has seating for two passengers in an open-air configurationSUPERMIND TRIVIA