
Tucker logo image

      Preston Tucker

  • Founded in
    • 1946
  • Headquarters city
    • Ypsilanti, Michigan
  • Country
    • United States
  • Status
    • Inactive


Tucker was an American automobile manufacturer founded in Chicago in 1946 by Preston Tucker. The company produced a car featuring innovative safety features such as a pop-out windshield, disc brakes, and a rear engine. The car was designed by Alex Tremulis and featured a distinctive "Cyclops Eye" headlight. Only 51 of the cars were produced before the company went out of business. The Tucker is now a highly sought-after collector's car and has become an icon of American automotive history.


Tucker Automobile Corporation was founded in 1946 by Preston Tucker, a former chief engineer at Ford Motor Company. Tucker developed an innovative car with features such as a rear-mounted engine, disc brakes, and a center headlight that moved with the steering wheel. This car was intended to be a revolutionary design, but only 51 were produced before the company folded in 1949 due to financial difficulties. The company has since become a symbol of American entrepreneurship and innovation, and its cars are highly sought-after by collectors.

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