The story of the Borgward car manufacturing company begins with the establishment of Hansa Automobilgesellschaft and NAMAG (maker of the Lloyd car) in 1905 in Varel and Bremen, respectively. The two companies merged in 1914 to form "Hansa-Lloyd-Werke A.G." However, after World War I and during the difficult economic situation in Germany, the company struggled to remain successful and faced bankruptcy by the late 1920s. In 1929, Carl Borgward, who had already achieved success with his Goliath-Blitzkarren business, saw an opportunity to expand his auto business and took control of Hansa-Lloyd. Under his leadership, the company developed innovative cars, including the famous Isabella model, which became one of the most popular premium cars in Germany during the 1950s. Despite its success, the Borgward group faced financial difficulties in the early 1960s and ultimately filed for bankruptcy in 1961. The brand was revived in the 21st century, with the Borgward Group AG designing and marketing cars manufactured in China. However, the company struggled to remain solvent and filed for bankruptcy in 2022.