1900 Locomobile Steam Runabout

Steam Runabout image

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The Locomobile Steam Runabout 1900 was a revolutionary vehicle that paved the way for modern automobiles as we know them today. This steam-powered vehicle was built for speed and efficiency, with a robust engine and advanced technical features that were ahead of its time.

At the heart of this vehicle was a powerful steam engine that could generate an incredible amount of power. The engine featured innovative technical features, such as a two-cylinder compound engine, that offered improved efficiency and reduced fuel consumption.

The boiler of the Locomobile Steam Runabout 1900 was also state-of-the-art, featuring advanced materials and construction techniques that made it durable and long-lasting. The boiler was made of a blend of carbon steel and nickel steel, which made it resistant to corrosion and other forms of wear and tear.

In addition to its impressive engine and boiler, the Locomobile Steam Runabout 1900 also featured advanced suspension and steering systems that provided a smooth and comfortable ride. The suspension was built using coil springs, which allowed the vehicle to absorb shock and maintain stability on bumpy roads.

The steering system of the Locomobile Steam Runabout 1900 was also advanced, featuring a worm gear that provided better control and precision than other steering systems of the time. This feature allowed drivers to steer the vehicle with greater ease and accuracy, even at high speeds.

Overall, the Locomobile Steam Runabout 1900 was an impressive vehicle that was ahead of its time in terms of technical innovation and design. Its advanced steam engine, durable boiler, and advanced suspension and steering systems make it a true marvel of engineering, and an important part of automotive history.


As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or the ability to generate primary sources. However, I was able to gather and provide information on key milestones of Locomobile Steam Runabout 1900 for you below:
  • 1898: Locomobile Company of America founded by A. P. Crittenden and A. L. Barber
  • 1899: Locomobile produces its first steam car which could achieve a top speed of 38 mph
  • 1900: The Locomobile Steam Runabout is introduced with a two-cylinder engine and a price of $750
  • 1901: A Locomobile Steam Runabout becomes the first car to climb Mount Washington in New Hampshire
  • 1902: Locomobile introduces their first gasoline-powered car with a four-cylinder engine
  • 1903: The Locomobile finishes first in a five-day, 525-mile New York-to-Pittsburgh race
  • 1904: A Locomobile Steam Runabout sets a new land speed record of 103.39 mph
  • 1907: Locomobile introduces the Model I, their first six-cylinder car
  • 1909: A Locomobile Model M wins the 24-hour endurance race at Brighton Beach, covering 600 miles in the process
  • 1911: Locomobile introduces the Model 48, equipped with a four-speed transmission and a top speed of 85 mph
  • 1915: The Locomobile Company is sold to Durant Motors

Note: These milestones are based on information available online, and could be incomplete or inaccurate.


- The Locomobile Steam Runabout 1900 was powered by a two-cylinder steam engine.

  • It had a maximum speed of around 30 miles per hour.
  • The vehicle had a range of approximately 20 miles on a single tank of water.
  • It weighed around 1,000 pounds.
  • The steering was controlled by a tiller located in front of the driver's seat.
  • The Locomobile Steam Runabout had wooden wheels and solid rubber tires.
  • The vehicle was equipped with a boiler pressure gauge and a water level indicator.
  • The Runabout was equipped with a hand brake and a foot brake for stopping.
  • The body of the vehicle was made of wood and was painted black.
  • The seats were upholstered in leather and could accommodate up to two passengers.
  • The Locomobile Steam Runabout was one of the first automobiles to be mass-produced.
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