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The Hedag Electric Brougham 1905 is a timeless classic in the world of automobiles. This innovative electric vehicle boasts a design that is both elegant and practical, with well-proportioned lines that make it an ideal choice for anyone seeking an eco-friendly mode of transportation.
At the heart of the Hedag Electric Brougham 1905 is its electric motor, which delivers up to 5 horsepower at a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour. This electric motor is powered by a set of custom-made batteries that provide an impressive range of up to 100 miles on a single charge.
To maintain its stylish aesthetic, the Hedag Electric Brougham 1905 features a beautiful wooden body that is not only visually stunning, but also provides excellent insulation against the elements. The vehicle's solid rubber tires are mounted on wooden wheels, designed to be both durable and comfortable for a smooth ride.
The Hedag Electric Brougham 1905 is equipped with a number of technical features that enhance its performance and utility. A regenerative braking system enables the vehicle to recover some of the energy that is typically lost during braking, which helps to extend the range of the electric motor.
The vehicle's front seat is spacious and comfortable, with ample legroom, making it ideal for both driver and passengers alike. The Brougham also features an elegant and convenient dash, which includes a speedometer, ammeter, and voltmeter for monitoring the vehicle's performance.
The Hedag Electric Brougham 1905 is a classic vehicle that combines style and sustainability with impressive performance and technological innovation. It is a testament to the technical prowess and engineering excellence of its era, and remains a sought-after collector's item to this day.
- Hedag Electric Brougham 1905 was released as an electric car model in 1905. - It featured a four-wheel carriage with a single motor and a battery that provided electricity to the motor. - One of its key features was the ability to travel up to 50 miles on a single charge. - The car was designed for urban commutes, with a top speed of 20 miles per hour. - It was also quieter and more efficient than gasoline-powered cars of the time, making it a preferred choice for city dwellers. - The car's elegant design made it a popular choice among wealthy individuals looking for a luxurious ride. - The Hedag Electric Brougham 1905 represented an early attempt at sustainable transportation, providing a glimpse into the future of electric cars.Technical
- The Hedag Electric Brougham was a battery-powered vehicle manufactured in 1905. - It featured a 5-horsepower electric motor that was connected to a pair of rear wheels. - The motor was powered by a bank of lead acid batteries that delivered a range of around 30 miles on a single charge. - The car had a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour. - The vehicle seated two passengers in a closed cabin that was mounted on a sturdy chassis. - The exterior of the car featured a classic Brougham design, with a high, enclosed body and a chauffeur's compartment in the front. - The interior of the car was upholstered in high-quality leather, with hand-crafted wooden accents throughout. - The car featured a number of advanced features for its time, including electric headlights and taillights, a speedometer, and a horn. - The Hedag Electric Brougham was marketed primarily to affluent urban customers who were looking for a clean, quiet, and stylish mode of transportation. - Though the vehicle was popular in its time, relatively few examples of the Hedag Electric Brougham have survived to the present day.CLASSIC CAR MATCHER