1906 Franklin G Light Touring

G Light Touring image

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The Franklin G Light Touring 1906 is a vintage automobile that is renowned for its impressive engineering and technical specifications. Built in 1906 by the Franklin Automobile Company, it remains a notable representation of the technological advancements of that time.

The Franklin G Light Touring 1906 has an inline 4-cylinder engine with a total of 14 horsepower. It features a cast iron block and aluminum head, which was a unique combination for the era. The engine also includes overhead valves, which was a remarkable innovation at the time, providing outstanding performance and efficiency.

Moreover, it boasts a 3-speed sliding gear transmission that is synchronized by a cone clutch, providing a smooth and seamless driving experience. This was a significant improvement over earlier versions of the automobile, which had unsynchronized transmissions, leading to inconsistent and jarring driving performance.

The Franklin G Light Touring 1906 has a remarkable suspension system that enhanced its reputation for comfortable driving. It features a semi-elliptic and full-elliptic leaf spring suspension that effectively absorbs shocks from the road, leading to a smoother ride. Moreover, it has a unique friction shock absorber system with adjustable dampening, which allowed the driver to control the level of shock absorption, leading to greater comfort and performance.

Furthermore, the Franklin G Light Touring 1906 features a chain-driven final drive that powers the unique planetary gear system in the rear end of the car. This gear system, unlike other automobile models of that time, did not require gear shifting and enabled the automobile to maintain a constant speed without significant engine strain.

The Franklin G Light Touring 1906 also boasted an innovative electrical system that relied on a magneto instead of a battery. The magneto acted as a source of electric current that could start the engine, power the lights, and run spark plugs.

The automobile weighed around 1900 pounds and had an impressive top speed of 45 mph, making it a popular choice for early touring car enthusiasts. It also featured a spacious touring body made from high-quality materials, providing ample space for passengers and their belongings on long-distance trips.

Overall, the Franklin G Light Touring 1906 was an exceptional automobile that set the standard for engineering excellence and innovation at the turn of the century. Its technical specifications were remarkable for the time and remain a testament to the ingenuity of early automobile makers.


- Introduction of the Franklin G Light Touring car in 1906 - The car featured an air-cooled engine, which was a unique feature at the time - The Franklin G had a top speed of 50 mph - The car had a four-cylinder engine with a displacement of 291 cubic inches - The Franklin G had a three-speed sliding gear transmission - Its lightweight design, along with its advanced engine design made it a popular choice for touring and racing - Franklin G achieved numerous racing victories, including the Glidden Tour, the New York-to-Philadelphia Reliability Run, and the Maine-to-Florida Reliability Run - The Franklin G's success led to the company's expansion and an increase in demand for their cars.


- The Franklin G Light Touring car was first produced in 1906. - It featured a water-cooled four-cylinder engine with a horsepower of 24. - The car had a top speed of 45 mph. - The body of the car was made of wood and steel, while the fenders and running boards were made of aluminum. - It had a wheelbase of 104 inches and an overall length of 145 inches. - The car had a semi-elliptic suspension, with solid front and rear axles. - The fuel for the car was stored in a 12-gallon tank. - It had a three-speed transmission with a selective sliding gear. - The car had a weight of approximately 2,300 pounds. - Optional extras for the car included brass or nickel-plated trim, a folding top, and a windshield.