The Fallen Stars Lamborghini Estoque

  • 06 August 2022
  • 2 min read
  • 5 images
The Fallen Stars Lamborghini Estoque image

For a small manufacturer of passionate dreams, switching to a four-door model means radically changing market positioning and production volumes. After it was bought by the Audi Group in the 2000s, Lamborghini had this objective in its sights, planning to complement the 10- and 12-cylinder Berlinettas with a third model. 

1-Lamborghini-style-1024x711 The perfect combination of Lamborghini style with the needs of a roomy four-door makes the Estoque a harmoniously elegant car

The Urus SUV project was among the hypotheses taken into consideration. The alternative was a four-door saloon with a powerful heart – the tried and tested V12 engine - that celebrated Ferruccio Lamborghini’s original idea: to build a perfect car both in terms of comfort as in performance. 

2-Lamborghini-Estoque-1024x711 At 5.15 metres long, the tapered saloon perfectly resembles a matador's sword, called, Estoque

In 2008, the creative team in Sant’Agata, led by the very talented designer Filippo Perini, presented the Estoque, a front-engined, four-door, four-seater saloon car, measuring 5.15 metres in length with an abundance of harmony and elegance. 

3-Lamborghini-Estoque-interior-1024x683 The refined interior of the Estoque combined Lamborghini's sporty style with the demands of a powerful GT car destined for long distances

One may ask: why did they do this when they knew that the disruptive path of the Urus was already taking shape? Probably, and we speak with a certain degree of knowledge of the facts, they needed a backup plan in case the Urus wasn’t approved by Audi, and had that been the case, this would have been the third model of the range. 

4-Lamborghini-Estoque-engine-1024x768 The power and performance of the V12 engine is immediately apparent when looking at the generous geometric pattern exhausts that complement the design of the rear

Instead, the Urus got a resounding “yes” and the beautiful Estoque which, among other things, could have upset its cousin, the Porsche Panamera, was forced to join the large group of... fallen stars.

5-Lamborghini-Estoque-elegance-1024x799 Lamborghini provokes the Volkswagen Group. For harmony and elegance, the Estoque would have been a strong competitor of the Porsche Panamera released one year later